Hi there, i’m Timothy: an engineer, author and speaker originally from the marvellous west-country of England (although I have since escaped to sunnier climbs, and now live in California). Besides working with technology of all kinds, I am hugely into climbing, backpacking, skiing and traveling. In recent years I have been exceedingly fortunate and was able to travel the globe; from Europe to Asia and the antipodean, right across to the USA. These experiences have shaped me hugely, and i’m very thankful for the opportunities that have allowed me to break down the walls of ignorance and see other cultures up close.
Professionally I am probably most well known for work in the Scala community, and as the author of Lift in Action. Scala is a wonderful programming language, both technically and in terms of the minds that gravitate towards it. My work with Scala has primarily centred around large distributed systems programming; both on commercial and open source projects alike. With that said, I haven’t always been involved in large distributed systems and have a history of building robust, reliable software for the manufacturing and services markets. That background has given me a plethora of experience in different programming paradigms which have shaped the way I view and solve problems. Said viewpoint has typically been quite different to that of others, and provided a path to alternative and imaginative solutions.
If you want to get in touch about something, then you can find me in all the usual places online:
- Twitter: @timperrett
- LinkedIn: Timothy Perrett
- Github: timperrett
- Email: hello AT timperrett.com